Say hiney-velow and behold a truly unique vehicle, built in San Francisco by the Heine player-piano company. Gustav Heine had a fifth-grade education but was an inventor at heart. He began dabbling in automotive production in 1904, building three cars in three years, and a few more through 1910. In 1921 Heine purchased a steel company, and then reentered the car business, using a Weidely V-12. Prices ranged from $17-20,000 when Rolls-Royces cost under $10,000. They were technological tours-de-force, however, boasting Lockheed four-wheel hydraulic brakes (the fluid, however was water, and the water was lost after using the brakes). Modular body construction allowed parts of the roof to be removed for Landaulet or town-car styling. The headlamp bulbs tilted via vacuum control for high or low beam. The side windows could be positioned such that they would vent cigar smoke up out the top of the open door frame. Only five V-12s were produced, of which four survive.

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